How Much Money To Allocate For Repairs

How Much Money To Allocate For Repairs
How Much Money To Allocate For Repairs

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Every owner of real estate sooner or later is faced with a partial or complete renovation of housing, but many cannot afford it. You won't be intimidated by the high renovation costs if you follow these 4 tips.

How much money to allocate for repairs
How much money to allocate for repairs


Step 1

Needs and desires

When calculating the cost of home renovation, you need to take into account not only your desires, but also the needs of the whole family. Needs can include: repairing a roof, replacing broken household appliances, etc., while desires mean things that are not so necessary in the house. Make a prioritized wish and need list to help you navigate the renovation.

Step 2

Material and labor costs

The compiled list of works must be discussed with specialists who will give you an estimate of the cost of each item separately and the entire list as a whole. If, according to the calculations, the repair will cost you too much, you can refuse any item. Having engaged in the repair yourself, make a price list of all the materials and tools you need to work. Feel free to ask sellers for discounts, which will save you a decent amount, and also remember that some of the tools can be rented.

Step 3

Financial opportunities

Realistically assess your financial capabilities, so that repair costs do not affect the family budget. Calculate your stocks for a rainy day and do not forget to take into account the loans you already have and other monthly payments. Be careful in your calculations so as not to exaggerate your capabilities.

Step 4

Force Majeure

When talking about repairs, you need to take into account that it may turn out to be more expensive than you expected. Any reconstruction work is never complete without unforeseen circumstances, so it is impossible to plan everything in advance. For small jobs, it is better to plan the budget with a margin of 10%, and for larger ones - 25%.
