The choice of the bank in which the newly created enterprise will be serviced is a matter that requires a comprehensive analysis. The success of your business will depend on the reliability of this credit institution, the ability of its managers to ensure high quality and timely provision of banking services.

Step 1
Before choosing a bank for an LLC, consider what operations will most often be performed on a future bank account: non-cash transactions, cash withdrawals and deposits, securities transactions, leasing, lending, and other structured products. Their set depends on the specifics of the company's activities. Select banks for which your profiling need will be the main one in their activity.
Step 2
Analyze the services that these banks provide, and opt for those that can offer you the most favorable conditions. Meet and consult with the managers, decide in which of the banks you will open an account, taking into account the level of reliability and the tariffs they offer to their clients.
Step 3
For a company that is just starting to work, the cost of banking services is important. Some banks offer such customers free account maintenance or the lowest possible tariffs. But at the same time, you should take into account that the bank where the tariffs are slightly higher may turn out to be more profitable, but there are no constant queues and the service is at a higher level.
Step 4
Choose a bank taking into account the development of your company. Not immediately, but in the near future, you may need services such as Client-Bank, Internet-Bank, salary projects. Choose a tank that meets your growing needs.
Step 5
Visit candidate banks. Observe how they work, what is the level of service and the qualifications of the employees. Estimate how many entrepreneurs are served in them, how quickly the service takes place. Chat with bank customers, ask them to rate the service.
Step 6
Collect information about each bank: how long has it been in operation, what is the structure of its liabilities and assets, what is the deposit insurance system. Find out the size of its authorized capital, ask what place it occupies in the rating of banks, read reviews on the Internet. Evaluate the "transparency" of financial activities, how complete information is provided by this or that bank. The size of the bank, according to experts, does not matter much, this indicator should not be guided by when choosing.