Can A Debit Card Debt Appear?

Can A Debit Card Debt Appear?
Can A Debit Card Debt Appear?

How to become a debtor to a bank without applying for a loan or a credit card? Some services by default can cost half the salary, and a fine forgotten a few years ago will surface at the most inopportune moment.

Can a debit card debt appear?
Can a debit card debt appear?

If the card has an overdraft

Many banks set the "allowed overdraft" option on debit cards by default. As a rule, the bank can include this service by default in salary projects, and the overdraft amount in this case will be about 50% of the average card replenishment. Usually, a client does not expect a credit limit on his salary card, and trouble can overtake him unexpectedly.

Overdraft rates are often higher than those on credit cards, and the conditions for refunds and fines are more stringent. In case of late repayment of the overdraft, the rate rises on average to 32-36% per annum, plus banks introduce additional fines that can quickly exceed even the loan amount. There were cases when fines exceeded the amount of the loan and even after paying interest on the loan, the debt still continued to grow, since in order to pay off the debt, you must first pay off the fines in full, and only after that the bank will consider the funds to pay off the debt.

You should also pay attention when using a debit card with an overdraft that the bank withdraws funds for the annual service of the card, and if there are no funds on the card, the bank can use it to pay for the annual service, and the client, without knowing it, begins to accumulate debt on interest for using the overdraft. Also, overdraft can be used when using a card abroad or when conducting transactions without authorization.

If you had outstanding fines or loans

The bailiff sends a decree to the bank, on the basis of which funds are transferred to the FSSP deposit or the claimant's account. A copy of such a resolution should be sent to the client, but since such documents are sent to debtors by mail, it may turn out that the document gets to the bank earlier than to you.

If you paid by card for accounts in another currency

For example, you paid a dollar bill with a ruble card. The bank charges a mandatory convention fee. In addition, withdrawing cash and viewing the balance in other people's ATMs are paid operations. It should be understood that native ATMs for a Russian bank are only its ATMs in the Russian Federation. All other ATMs are strangers, and even more so in other countries.

Before traveling abroad, be sure to consider your payment methods. Perhaps you just have to open a dollar account on the card, or it may be more convenient to issue the card in another bank. Study the bank's tariffs for withdrawing cash and viewing the balance both at ATMs of foreign branches and at ATMs of other banks.

If you have not turned off the default services in time

When issuing a card, bank specialists are required to request written permission to connect additional paid services, such as SMS notification, Internet banking, etc., and notify about their cost. However, often the first few months of using the service are offered free of charge, for review, and the client agrees. Often he gets used to the service and simply forgets that it is paid.
