A bank card itself is a very convenient thing. You can pay with a card in a store, pay for a purchase on the worldwide network. If you are the owner of a Sberbank card, you have several options for checking your account status.

Step 1
Visit one of the bank branches. Take your bank card and passport with you. The operator will provide you with detailed information on the account.
Step 2
Check the balance of the account through the ATM / electronic terminal by starting the operation "Balance inquiry".
Step 3
If you have the Mobile Banking service activated, use it. Send a request from the mobile phone to which the service is registered ("01", then a space and the last 5 digits of the card number) to number 900. You can connect the "Mobile Bank" at any bank branch (with a passport and a card), via an electronic terminal or through the Sberbank help desk by phone (495) 500-00-05, (495) 788-92-72, (800) 200-3-747.
Step 4
Connect the Sberbank Online service - you can not only check the status of your account, but also manage your bank card via the Internet (for example, make bank transfers).
Step 5
Check the status of the Sberbank card account by phone: + 7 (495) 500-00-05; + 7 (495) 788-92-72 - through the automated service system. You will need to dial the card number in full and the first three characters of the control information (it was indicated by you in the application for the card). Using the tone mode of the phone (via #), you can find out the state of the account and order the details of the ten last card transactions by fax, as well as block the card in case of loss or theft.