The need to find out the bank card account number arises when you need to transfer money to the card from another card.

There are several ways to do this:
1. The account number is written on the receipt, which was issued by the bank when receiving a bank card.

2. You can go to the bank that owns the card. You need to have your own bank card and passport with you. It is also desirable that you have with you an agreement for a bank card, which was also issued at the bank when the card was issued.
3. If a bank card was issued at work, to transfer salaries to it, then you can go to the accounting department and there you will be told the account number of your card.
4. If no documents have been preserved on the card, then, again, taking the card and passport, go to the bank that owns the card and take a card statement there. The statement will indicate not only the account number, but also other various information on the card, which will probably be useful to you in the future. The account number will be framed on the front of the statement.
5. Finally, you can simply go to the bank and deposit cash on the card balance through the terminal. The printed receipt will show the account number.

It is also possible to find out the card account on the Internet, but if your bank provides a similar service. In this case, you will need to enter the passport data of the person in whose name the card was registered, the card number that is written on the card itself and, possibly, the PIN code, in different banks this condition may or may not be present. But it must be remembered that entering the PIN code of your card on the Internet always involves a considerable risk. Theft of bank card codes on the network is rampant, and even from the site of a very reputable bank, theft of customers' personal information and bank card codes can occur. Therefore, if you do not want to risk your money, it is better not to be lazy and find out the card account in other ways, discussed in the article.