How To Change Negative Credit History

How To Change Negative Credit History
How To Change Negative Credit History

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If all banks refuse to provide a loan, then, probably, the reason lies in bad credit history. But in some cases it can be corrected.

How to change negative credit history
How to change negative credit history

It is necessary

  • - a written request for obtaining a credit history;
  • - code of the subject of credit history;
  • - an application for making changes to the credit history;
  • - documents confirming the inaccuracy of the data contained in the BCI.


Step 1

The term “bad credit history” by itself is not correct from a legal point of view. Banks themselves determine their own criteria for classifying a credit history as bad. For most banks, one-time delays of up to 5 days are not grounds for refusing to issue a loan. After all, we can talk about technical delays, when the money was not credited to the bank account at the right time, or the borrower confused the payment date. This does not characterize him from the negative side. Some do not take into account even longer defaults of up to 35 days, if this was an isolated case and the borrower later corrected himself. If the borrower has repeatedly made long delays, has an outstanding overdue loan or did not even intend to repay it, then in this case access to loans will be closed for him.

Step 2

In order to make sure that the reason for the refusal to provide loans is a bad credit history, you need to request it. This can be done in several ways. You can request your credit dossier in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories online or by sending a request by mail, contact the BCI or the bank with a corresponding application. Credit history will be provided within two weeks.

Step 3

It is necessary to understand why a bad credit history was formed. The main reason is the presence of loan delinquencies, full or partial default on obligations. But it also happens that the credit history is damaged by mistake. The algorithm for correcting credit history in these two cases will be different.

Step 4

It often happens that a negative credit history is formed through the fault of a bank employee. It can be associated with the carelessness of a specialist, arising from the mixing of information about your history and the history of your namesake or namesake. In this case, you need to contact the BKI with an official request. To do this, you will need to provide evidence of the incorrectness of the information contained in the credit history.

Step 5

The BCH specialists will check the information received from you and, if there are no disputes, will make the appropriate changes to the credit history. They must also provide you with a written answer and send you the corrected dossier. If the dispute of the information is denied, you can demand that reliable data be entered into your credit history in court.

Step 6

If bad credit history is your fault, then you can use legal methods to increase your chances of getting a loan in the future. Try to get a consumer loan in cash and repay it on time. The conscientious fulfillment of your credit obligations is perhaps the best way to convince the bank of your reliability.

Step 7

You can open a deposit account with the same bank. This will serve as proof that the borrower has become more disciplined and redefined his attitude to finance.

Step 8

If financial difficulties arise, it is worthwhile to notify the bank in advance with a request for restructuring (revision of future payments), or granting a credit vacation. If the bank refuses, you can refinance the loan.
