If you need a certain amount of money on your plastic card, get yourself a credit card. This is a type of consumer loan, but the difference with a credit card is that you decide when and how much money to withdraw from it.
There are a number of different ways you can get yourself a credit card.

It is necessary
- - a list of phone numbers of local banks
- - passport
- - certificate of salary in the form of 2 personal income tax
- - originals of your documents - at the discretion of the bank
- - Internet access
Step 1
Call all the well-known banks in your city and ask them about the rules for obtaining a credit card. In each bank, the conditions for issuing a credit card may be different. If any of the banks works with your company on a salary project, start with it. Lenders sometimes provide their regular customers with additional benefits and bonuses.
Step 2
Decide which credit card you need. It is better to issue a card on which money will be available to you during the entire crediting period. It is only necessary to pay off expenses on time and return the money spent to the card.
Step 3
Collect the required documents. In order to get a credit card, you will definitely need a passport with a local residence permit. All other documents, for example, a certificate of 2 personal income tax on income, are provided at the request of the bank.
Step 4
Come to the bank for an interview. Prepare in advance the answer to the question for what purpose you are taking out a loan. At the bank, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire indicating your data and the data of your spouse, as well as general income and major expenses.
Step 5
Wait for a call from a banking specialist. As a rule, the decision to issue a credit card is made on the same day or the next.