Getting a loan quickly and without reference is the dream of everyone who is afraid of long paperwork or has problems with official confirmation of their employment. Today there are many opportunities to borrow money in this way. But is it worth the candle?

Often during a period of financial difficulties people are concerned about the question of where it is easy and quick to get a loan in order to close the gap in the personal or family budget for a while. Of course, there are such options. However, do not forget that if a financial institution offers a quick loan, and even without documentary evidence of income, you can fall into a trap. The fact is that the financial risks of the bank in this case fall on the shoulders of the borrower in the form of a large interest rate.
It is also possible that the loan rate is quite attractive, but there are hidden commissions or additional payments. Unfortunately, when money is urgently needed, many potential borrowers do not think about it.
Bank card limit
One of the acceptable options for obtaining a loan without certificates and quickly is issuing a plastic card with a credit limit. It is good if you contact the bank where you receive your salary and link the limit to your salary card. This is almost an ideal option, since most of these banking products have rather attractive conditions. The overpayment on such a loan will be small, and repayment is very convenient.
The only drawback is that the minimum credit limit is initially set. In the future, if the borrower establishes himself as a respectable payer, the credit limit will be increased.
Cash and immediately
For clients who need a loan in a very short time and the option with a plastic card is not suitable, you can offer a cash loan. Today there are many banks that offer just such a consumer loan. In conditions it usually sounds: no collateral, no guarantors, no income statement. The term of such a loan varies from 12 to 60 months.
In this case, the annual lending rate is slightly higher than that of the credit limit, but if you urgently need it, it will do. The main thing is to carefully read the loan agreement in order to identify additional conditions that run counter to the interests of the borrower.
Interestingly, an application for such a loan can be sent even while sitting at a computer at home. Many banking institution websites have an online application service. The form of the questionnaire assumes answers to a few questions, and the decision is made quickly enough. Usually this period ranges from 1 hour to 3 days.