How To Deal With Unpaid Loans

How To Deal With Unpaid Loans
How To Deal With Unpaid Loans

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An unpaid loan is far from uncommon for the average Russian citizen. Unfortunately, everything happens in life, the financial situation can change dramatically not for the better, and loans will not go anywhere. Moreover, the longer you delay with payments, the more the collectors that have become fashionable for banks will become bored, and no nerves will be enough to fight them. The main thing is to pull yourself together, not to despair and draw up a clear plan for getting out of the debt hole.

How to deal with unpaid loans
How to deal with unpaid loans


Step 1

Come to the bank where you took out a loan and explain the current situation. If you are dealing with a reputable organization, then you can hope for a positive solution to the issue, because banks care about their reputation, which primarily consists of customer reviews. It is possible that your bank has loan restructuring programs. There were cases when creditors entered the position of the debtor and froze the payment or reduced its size until the client's financial situation returned to normal. Therefore, if you are a single mother with two minor children in your arms, and besides, you have been laid off, you have a direct road to confession to a creditor.

Step 2

Contact another bank for a refinancing. In this case, the new bank buys out your debt from the old one and makes you new loan conditions for the remaining amount. Most likely, your interest will be increased or the term of payment will be shortened, but this is much better than a visit by bailiffs in order to inventory your property.

Step 3

Borrow money from friends, family, or acquaintances. As a rule, most of the unpaid loans are from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. This is not so much money to sit in the dock for the sake of it and spoil your credit history. But you never know how life will turn out, so try to keep your credit history clean, otherwise you won't see more loans, even for the smallest amounts.

Step 4

In every city there are a huge number of private lenders who will give you the required amount at a certain percentage and secured by property. As a rule, they turn a blind eye to the fact that you already have debts, because in case of non-payment, your car or dacha will go to them. But in this case, you will have time to improve your well-being and pay off your debts when collectors from the old bank cut off your phone every hour.

Step 5

Be polite with collectors. Do not fall for provocations and control yourself. Remember that they do not really have any power and the only thing they can do is psychologically press. They take various measures, even threats. It is not uncommon for a debtor to be woken up in the middle of the night with a call and told him: "Your children are walking the streets unattended, I would take care of them, but I would pay off the loan." Keep your cool in such cases.
