How To Mark Unpaid Leave In A Time Sheet: An Example

How To Mark Unpaid Leave In A Time Sheet: An Example
How To Mark Unpaid Leave In A Time Sheet: An Example

Often, workers have situations when it is necessary to be absent from the workplace for several hours or days. This is usually due to unforeseen family circumstances. In this case, the legislation allows the registration of unpaid leave, which is often called administrative leave by the people. Registration of such leave is no less important than paid leave, since the correctness of the calculation of wages and the fulfillment of production tasks by the employee depends on it. Below is a detailed instruction on how to arrange a vacation at your own expense, with the entry of data into the timesheet.

How to mark unpaid leave in a time sheet: an example
How to mark unpaid leave in a time sheet: an example

Legal grounds for obtaining leave without pay

Unpaid leave is guaranteed to all workers by law (art. 182 Labor Code). The duration of the leave is set by agreement between the employer and the employee. In special cases, the duration of the forced rest is fixed by the norms of the code:

  • in connection with the death of a close relative, a wedding or the birth of a child - up to 5 calendar days;
  • working disabled people - up to 60 days;
  • WWII participants - up to 35 days;
  • working retirees - up to 14 days a year;
  • parents and wives (husbands) of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, federal fire service, customs authorities, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system, who died or died as a result of injury, concussion or mutilation received in the performance of military service (service) duties, or due to an illness associated with military service (service) - up to 14 calendar days a year.

Leave is issued upon a written application from an employee with a mandatory mark in the time sheet. The days taken are not subject to compensation and are not included in the calculation of the average earnings.

Instruction for registration of leave without wages

Detailed instructions for obtaining a vacation are described below.

  • The employee's need for unpaid leave.
  • Discussion with the manager of the opportunity to leave work at the right time.
  • Drawing up a statement. The form can be approved within the organization, or the application is written in any form addressed to the head of the organization or an authorized specialist in any form. It is advisable to indicate the exact period from the first to the last day, inclusive. Weekends and holidays are included in unpaid leave. In order to avoid inaccuracies, it is better to prescribe only working days. In practice, it is not always necessary to explain the reasons for the leave. The wording "for family reasons" is acceptable. This is decided individually in the organization.
  • Visiting the head (if necessary) and transferring for execution. Depending on the specifics of the organization, this can be personally the director, secretariat, personnel department or accounting department. A vacation application is drawn up strictly before it begins. The minimum period the day before. Day in and day out is possible only for the most compelling reasons with the agreement of the guide.
  • The responsible specialist enters data on the employee's absence in the time sheet. It is drawn up by analogy with the annual leave in the "Vacation" section of the work program. In the field of the leave date, the period of absence of the person is noted, "Type of leave" is selected as unpaid leave. The data is saved in the system.
  • Lines appear in the report card, denoting leave without wages for the period specified in the application. The following designations are usually adopted: DO (leave without pay with the permission of the employer) and OZ (leave without pay, provided by law). In practice, most often, the designation "DO" is sufficient, since it is more formal in nature. An example of a completed timesheet is shown below.
  • The handwritten report card, if necessary, also includes data on the absence of a person in connection with the leave without maintenance. It is designated by analogy with the electronic version.
  • An order for granting leave in the unified form T-6 is printed out. The form contains the dates of the employee's absence. In line "B" is written "Vacation without pay". The working period is not specified, it is only important for annual leave.
  • The order is endorsed by the head and sent to the employee for signature.
  • Based on the signed order and the data in the report card, the calculation is made and wages are calculated taking into account the actual hours worked.

Observing the specified procedure, the days of absence of the employee will be considered legal and will not be equated with absenteeism. It is important to promptly warn the employer about the intention to leave work, and draw up the necessary documents.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to draw up documents "retroactively"; in this case, the employee's failure to appear is put on the report card. If in the future the registration of leave without wages is not followed, the question of absenteeism of the employee is raised with subsequent sanctions up to his dismissal.
