How To Lease A Car For Individual Entrepreneurs

How To Lease A Car For Individual Entrepreneurs
How To Lease A Car For Individual Entrepreneurs

To run your own business, you often need a car, truck or car. It is sometimes quite difficult for an individual entrepreneur to buy a vehicle at full cost, because a large amount of funds necessary for work will have to be withdrawn from circulation. In this situation, you should take a closer look at the option to lease a car.

How to lease a car for individual entrepreneurs
How to lease a car for individual entrepreneurs

What is leasing

This is a long-term lease of property with the possibility of subsequent purchase at the end of the contract. Lease types are usually classified according to the type of property. A car is a property, property, various car leasing programs are used for it. Car leasing is divided only by the type of vehicle: cars, trucks, special vehicles.

The services of leasing firms are most in demand among individual entrepreneurs who plan to purchase special equipment or trucks.

How to lease a transport

  1. An entrepreneur who needs transport for the work of the company independently selects equipment. Then he pays to the leasing company under the concluded agreement the initial payment set by the organization. Its size is determined by the type of transport, as well as the period for which the lease agreement is concluded. Programs without an advance payment are often used.
  2. The second part of the payment for transport is paid by the lessor, which is then received in parts from the lessee (IE). The lessor must pay the state fee.
  3. The leasing company independently selects the seller of the transport, who remains its owner until the lessee has repaid the entire debt under the agreement.
  4. During the period of use of the leased vehicle, the individual entrepreneur pays from its own funds the arising maintenance costs. If an insured event occurs, then the insurance payments are transferred to the leasing organization.
  5. If an individual entrepreneur pays interest in lending, then when registering a transport on lease, he is also charged with a rise in cost, measured as a percentage of the price of the object at which the object would have been purchased by an ordinary buyer. Often, leasing companies work with car dealerships on their own special terms, so they can make a deal with the lessee under the program with a zero appreciation.

Upon completion of the term of the concluded agreement and with the planned payment of each lease payment, the individual entrepreneur receives the right to buy out the transport by paying the residual value. What it is? This is the purchase price of the vehicle less depreciation costs. Most often, the ransom cost is conditional and amounts to a symbolic 100-500 rubles. However, this point should be previously discussed with the lessor, as well as this point should be included in the lease agreement. If the chapter on redemption has not been included in the lease agreement, then an additional agreement may still be concluded on the transfer of ownership of the movable object to the lessee.

The package of documents provided for a lease agreement is similar to the banking requirements for obtaining a car loan.
