There are many ways to sell your music online. However, in addition to selling music, the Internet provides ample opportunities to promote musical creativity. Undoubtedly, it is advisable to sell music after PR. Since it is rather doubtful that the wide circles will be interested in unknown music.

Step 1
Before you think about selling music, you need to find interested parties - potential buyers. It is better to do this right away before selling. Otherwise, your efforts may simply not pay off. In this regard, the Internet has ample opportunities. To begin with, you can choose the best, in the opinion of the musicians, songs and put them in the public domain. For such a purpose, it is best to place creativity on or in a specially created group (community) on the VKontakte social network - (it's free)
Step 2
Then you need to look for thematic communities with a similar context. There are many groups / communities / forums on the Internet dedicated to any particular direction of music, so problems should not arise. It is best to post a brief information about the music group / artist and links to listen to some (selected) songs for acquaintance on the most massive community. Next, watch the reaction. In case of complete apathy or even a negative reaction, hopes for a sale are extremely weak, something needs to be reconsidered. Or maybe it is still worth acquainting a wider circle of people with music.
Step 3
With a positive interest, you can do more serious music promotion (create your own website, hold a concert, make a music video) or even try selling right away. To sell creativity, you need to create a music album and publish it on a CD. You can publish it yourself or contact a specialized publishing house. If you publish it yourself, it’s better to start with a small edition of the album.
Step 4
Products can be sold on thematic online stores, both highly specialized (i.e. for certain musical styles) and simply large stores specializing in many types of goods (for example,