In recent years, China has been experiencing a crisis of overproduction of goods. This problem stimulates local producers to constantly expand the sales market and to search for new buyers. However, the Chinese export development system is still far from perfect. That is why, in most cases, buyers have to look for counterparties in this country on their own.

Step 1
Use one of the Internet resources. The most popular sites -,, - allow registered users to search for manufacturers and intermediary exporters according to specified criteria (product, price, region, etc.) … On these portals, you can communicate with potential contractors using the feedback form, as well as get their direct contact information. In addition, these resources offer good mailing lists with business proposals that fit your industry.
Step 2
Visit the exhibition in China. For the largest events, please visit, At the thematic exhibition, you can not only see product samples and receive catalogs, but also meet personally with company representatives and discuss preliminary conditions for cooperation.
Step 3
Find a broker in China to help you establish cooperation. It should be remembered that not every Chinese manufacturer has the right to export goods: for this, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license. That is why most factories and plants are not only not represented on the Internet, but do not even have specialists who speak English. In this case, a trusted intermediary is the only opportunity to establish cooperation with manufacturers whose product prices are much lower.
Step 4
Contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which has branches in most major Russian cities. This organization will help you establish effective cooperation with Chinese manufacturers and at the same time obtain certain guarantees.