An investment fund is a form of joint activity in which several investors unite and invest in the same means of earning income: stocks, bonds, deposits, and so on. How to create such a fund, and what is its advantage?

Step 1
Decide on the type of future investment fund. In the Russian financial system, the most widespread are mutual investment funds (PIFs), in which a large number of investor-shareholders entrust their funds to a management company. The shareholders themselves do not take part in money management, and the company, in turn, does not receive profit from the management of the fund's property. She only receives a certain reward for providing services. The amount of such remuneration is fixed in advance in the contract.
Step 2
The peculiarity of creating a mutual fund is that it will not be a legal entity. This suggests that its registration is made on a contractual basis. Develop a contract. This is a set of rules for managing an investment fund, which must be registered with government agencies.
Step 3
Attach future shareholders to the created agreement. This can be done by filing standard applications for joining a mutual fund and depositing property as payment for the share.
Step 4
Further, the management company issues the investment shares and completes the necessary registration procedures that complete the process of creating the fund.
Step 5
After the creation of the mutual fund, all the affairs of the fund are transferred into the hands of a management company, which carries out only management functions.