A pharmacy, like any other type of business, must be profitable. And this profit is the greater, the higher the level of sales. The increase in pharmacy sales is achieved by influencing all aspects of the buying process itself. It is necessary to conduct activities that increase the number of leads, the percentage of conversions, the frequency of repeat sales, the size of the check and the margin.

It is necessary
- - knowledge of the basics of merchandising;
- - skills of personnel management;
- - new price tags and printed printing.
Step 1
Start with the smartest and most cost-effective way to increase your pharmacy sales - increase your margins. The first way to raise pharmacy margins is to charge higher prices. But don't do it mindlessly - print new labels with the old, crossed out, higher price, and a bright, bargain new price. Another way is to increase the total price for additional services. For example, sell 10 tablets from a pack of 20 tablets worth 1000 rubles, not for 500, but for 550 rubles.
Step 2
Another rational (practically not requiring material investment) way to increase sales in a pharmacy is to increase the size of the average check. Increase the amount left by your customer who has already bought something. And don't just have vitamins, wet wipes and disposable masks near the checkout, but educate sellers to actively offer these products to all customers.
Step 3
The next most effective measure is the optimization of the very technique of sales in the pharmacy. Routine courtesy training for your pharmacy staff costs nothing, but is highly valued by customers. The courteous staff will create more loyal customers than any promotions and loyalty cards.
Step 4
The percentage of conversion, that is, the ratio of those who came to your pharmacy to the total number of those who know about it, can and should be raised. Use the technique of dividing your assortment into frontend and backend products. The first are medicines, on which you set prices significantly lower than those of your competitors. Display well-known drugs at reduced prices in prominent places. The costs will be recouped through the sale of drugs in pharmacies related to backend goods - they are not advertised, so their prices can be overstated.
Step 5
The pharmacy, in fact, does not need large-scale advertising support. It is necessary to attract new clients due to the favorable location of branches - near hospitals, clinics, as well as in sleeping areas. In addition, do not neglect printing - passers-by should pay attention to your pharmacy and its range.