A pharmacy is a commercial institution. Therefore, it is quite understandable that its owners are interested in increasing profits. However, growing competition, an increase in drug prices, and the desire to maintain the maximum assortment sometimes make the pharmacy business not very profitable. Is it possible to improve the situation by increasing the pharmacy's profit?

Step 1
Check out the assortment of the pharmacy. Pick up inventory balances, check drug arrival dates, interview pharmacists. Make a list of medicines that are rarely sold - no more than once every two to three months. If possible, exclude these drugs from the assortment - they reduce your profit, slowing down the turnover of funds.
Step 2
Take a look at drugstore displays with the eyes of a buyer. Perhaps he simply cannot look through all the boxes installed on it and, in search of what he needs, turns to the pharmacist. In this case, it is recommended to change the layout. Do not display everything in a row - the most prominent places should be occupied by drugs in greatest demand. Unpopular medicines can be removed from the display case.
Step 3
Organize a pre-order system. There is no need to purchase in advance what is only occasionally demanded. However, if these drugs or cosmetics bring in a good income, it is also unwise to refuse them. Inform the buyer that he can order everything he needs by phone or in person. This will not only increase profits and reduce costs, but also help acquire repeat customers.
Step 4
Follow the advertisements. Vitamin supplements, rhinitis, headache and allergy remedies advertised on television should be featured prominently. But as soon as the advertising campaign ends, these funds will have to be exchanged for others - those that are beginning to actively promote. Let the marketers of large pharmaceutical companies increase your sales.
Step 5
Purchase more related products. Make sure that not only sick, but also healthy people constantly come to your pharmacy. Become a competitor to nearby kiosks and supermarkets. Remember, people tend to trust goods purchased from a pharmacy. Therefore, equip showcases with everyday little things - pads, condoms, hygiene products for children, toothpaste, detergents, cosmetics.
Step 6
Train staff. Explain to employees that the timeliness of payment of their salaries and the amount of bonuses depend on profits. Your people should not passively give the customer what they want, but actively sell. Teach them to unobtrusively advertise new products, offer analogues of missing drugs and related products. And be sure to reward those who sell especially well. Your employees need to feel that they are increasing not only your own but also their own well-being.