A commercial proposal is one of the most important business tools. Commercial offers are sent to potential partners, represent the organization and its services, and facilitate the conclusion of transactions. To ensure that your offer does not get lost in the ocean of business information, use the principles of creating an effective offer.

It is necessary
Notebook or computer, paper and pen
Step 1
First of all, pay attention to creating a commercial proposal template. Like any business letter, a commercial proposal is built according to a clear pattern. It must be well-formed. The commercial proposal is written on a sheet (electronic form) with the corporate logo of the organization. Type the sentence in one font. Indicate the specific recipient to whom your commercial proposal is addressed. Use the address to the recipient, which is placed in the center of the line and ends with an exclamation mark. The appeal is written in the same font as the entire proposal, but it is highlighted in bold. If your offer is large, break it up into paragraphs to make the text more readable. Use a subheading for each part that you create so you can grab and hold the reader's attention as you read.
Step 2
Determine what message you are going to put into your sales pitch. Highlight the essence. Imagine yourself in the place of a recipient who is exposed to information attacks from all sides. Your proposal should catch and interest the addressee. Highlight the best aspects of the product or service you are offering in your sales pitch. Let us know what the advantages of your offer are. Clearly formulate the competitiveness of your particular product / service.
Do not hesitate to remove unnecessary information from the sentence when editing. This will reduce the risk of the offer being thrown into the trash can. The text of the proposal must be readable. In the process of writing a commercial proposal, read it out loud to other people - they can make competent edits. Take a break to revisit your proposal later and evaluate it with a fresh perspective. The commercial offer must be kept in strict business vocabulary. When writing a commercial proposal, avoid parasitic words, jargon, and common expressions.
Step 3
The beginning of a commercial offer determines whether the addressee will read it to the end. In the first few lines, state convincingly why the recipient should read your proposal. Give the results of research, analysis, facts, information that attracts attention and arouses interest.
For clarity, use in the text of the commercial proposal graphics, tables, diagrams that are easy to understand and understand. These are visual illustrations of your words. At the end of your commercial proposal, please provide a compelling case for your product or service. Summarize the above, which will serve as a call to action for the prospect. Emphasize its benefits, pay attention to the favorable price or special discounts. Also list your clients and their benefits received as a result of cooperation with your company.