Residents of sparsely populated areas often wonder how they can make good money in rural areas. It only seems at first glance that there is no work, and nothing to do. In fact, there are many options for creating your own business from scratch and making good money on it, because any area has its positive sides.

Construction of small architectural forms
If you have at least a little skills in working with wood, a villager can start building small architectural forms, since this allows the area and utility rooms, for which you do not need to pay rent. There are a lot of these forms, and not all of them are still covered by the attention of the manufacturer. Even if something similar is being produced, the exclusive project, price and distance from the city will allow it to be competitive.
The construction of country houses, cottages, mansions, small houses and summer cottages is expanding more and more. The demand for wooden buildings is also growing. If gazebos, decorative wells and swings can be bought on sale without difficulty, then a high-quality, beautiful booth for a dog can only be made by yourself - there are very few of them. And at the same time, a booth for a master's pet can be not just a dog's dwelling, but a decoration of the entire site. It is enough to make it with a balcony on the roof, a small terrace and windows.
Fantasy will play an important role in this matter. Moreover, the materials for this booth will take a little, and the cost can be set as much as you want, because the market is not crammed with dog "cottages". If you analyze, in every country house where the owners live all year round, there is a dog. She must have a booth or aviary. And people who give big bucks to landscape designers will not miss out on such a twist.
Breeding chickens and ornamental birds
Recently, such a hobby as raising chickens has been very popular. Of course, the eggs that the chickens bring are good for the farm, but now decorative and fighting chickens, guinea fowls and even peacocks are bred with no less zeal. And again, it is quite problematic to find chicken coops for this hobby. It is clear that feathered beauties, peacocks, and just laying hens are much more pleasant to keep in an interesting "toy" house than in a building ineptly hammered out of pieces of plywood. And again, imagination will help the manufacturer find his buyer.
Making garden furniture from wood
There is always not enough garden furniture, plastic and forged products are sold in abundance, and there are very few wooden ones. Meanwhile, a plastic dining group cannot always be left outdoors as it can either be stolen or deformed over time. Forged furniture is too expensive, but light wooden benches, small tables, garden shelves and pergolas are either nowhere to buy, or there is too little choice.
One can complain that pretentious buildings can be made by a person with great abilities. This is partly true, but in hardware stores there is now a large selection of ready-made wooden plates with cut out lace patterns, there are all kinds of curly bars, etc. All that remains is to build the basic shape of the product and decorate it with purchased fittings.
Do not write off private craftsmen either. If you take at least one such craftsman, he will be able to ennoble any ready-made thing, which is usually made by workers without special talents. This niche in the market is not yet fully filled. There is a demand, let there be a product for this demand.
Additional business ideas for the countryside
Canine (cat) overexposure. A large area of the site can play the most positive role in this matter. Considering that the owner of overexposure receives from 300 rubles from one dog per day, and at least 10 dogs should be kept, it is not difficult to calculate the benefit. The main thing is to know the rules for arranging overexposure.
Cheese production will be relevant. Of course, some knowledge and investment will be required, but this type of activity is worth it. Growing garden strawberries year-round will also bring good profits.