Lack of money to purchase their own car and garage forces people to use public transport services. To do this, you do not need to receive special certificates and undergo expensive training, and the cost of one trip is relatively low. Therefore, having your own minibus, you can organize a profitable business.

Step 1
If you own a minibus, you can organize your business and engage in passenger transportation. First, register as a sole proprietor. This will make it possible to receive legal income from the exploitation of the multi-seat "iron horse".
Step 2
Obtain a special license to transport people. It is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport. In particular, to obtain it, you will need: a technical inspection coupon, a vehicle passport and a health certificate. For a complete list of documents and the procedure for their registration, check out directly at the service, the representative office of which is in each region. You can also work on a contractual basis with an organization that has a license and work on a license card issued by the company.
Step 3
If you intend to carry passengers personally, you will need to undergo training and obtain a driver's license of category "D". This can be done at the nearest driving school. You can also hire a driver who will travel around the city for a fee, periodically handing over the proceeds.
Step 4
To start transportation in the village, obtain a route passport from your local municipality. To do this, participate in specially held contests. If there is no intention to carry out regular transportation, then you can work without contacting the prefecture.
Step 5
If a hired employee is engaged in the transportation of passengers, then specify in detail all the conditions of cooperation, setting a fixed amount of payment, which he will deduct daily. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account its approximate costs for gasoline and operation of a minibus, which, on average, amount to about ten percent of revenue.
Step 6
In addition, you will have to undergo a medical examination before each departure. To do this, first sign an agreement with a local clinic.