Soft toys are invariably highly popular, moreover, they are bought by children of different ages. This means that there will always be customers in a well-equipped and well-located store that sells such products.

The initial stages of opening a store
The first step is to define what your business will be like. You can wholesale and retail, as well as open online stores or regular establishments. The choice of option depends on your preferences and capabilities: for example, wholesale will be beneficial if you are also involved in the production of soft toys, and an online store is suitable for those who do not have the desire or ability to open a regular retail outlet. In any case, after determining the specifics of the business and drawing up a plan, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. After completing the documents, you can start opening your own business.
If you have chosen a regular store, pay special attention to finding a place where it will be located. It is necessary that a lot of people pass near the institution every day, moreover, among them there were also parents with children. Hypermarkets are well suited, as well as individual stores located near playgrounds, parks, children's hospitals, and walking areas.
Set up your store properly. This applies to both regular retail outlets and websites. It is important that buyers can easily find a suitable toy, see its price, country of origin, and easily find products for children of different ages. Keep in mind that soft toys are often bought by adults: for example, big bears and toys with hearts, which are given to girls, are very popular. You can replenish the assortment with such goods.
How to develop a soft toy store
Having filled the warehouse or showcases with goods, having designed the premises or the website of the store and having chosen the personnel who know how to find a common language with the kids, proceed to the next stage. You need to make a good ad to get customers to contact you. Use flyers, brochures, contextual advertising to attract more customers. If you decide to distribute flyers on the street, be sure to make sure that they are interesting to parents: you can post information about discounts on them or any useful information for which you would like to save the flyer or brochure.
Add a unique service so that buyers turn to you more often, and you can successfully compete with competitors. A good example is special savings cards, seasonal discounts, special promotions for kindergarten and orphanage staff, making a bouquet of soft toys to order.