In most cases, remittances must be paid by the sender. However, in some situations, you can send money for free. You just need to know how to do it.

Step 1
Open a second account with the same bank in which you already have the first one. In this case, you can transfer money from one to another for free. This may be necessary if you want to use different currencies. For example, if you have an account in rubles and in euros, then when transferring money you will not pay various commissions for the exchange, it will be made according to the internal rate of the payment system, which is quite beneficial for the user.
Step 2
Use the system of payment for goods and services by cash on delivery. In this case, the money is transferred through the mail, but you do not pay for the transfer yourself - the costs are borne by the receiving party. This is especially convenient for remote purchases, since you do not make the payment in advance, but simultaneously with the receipt of the parcel with the goods in the mail.
Step 3
Get yourself an electronic wallet. Some companies that provide these services, such as PayPal, do not charge fees for transfers within the system. That is, if your addressee also has a similar wallet, you can send him money absolutely free. But there are some pitfalls here. He will be able to pay with this money for purchases on the Internet, but he will not be able to receive them in cash, since such a service is not provided by PayPal in Russia. You also need to have a bank card to top up your e-wallet. At the same time, the majority of Russian companies working with electronic money introduce a commission for transfers. These include, for example, the Yandex. Money service.
Step 4
If you want to regularly help your close relative with money, but do not want to spend money on transfer fees, order an additional card for him to your account. It will be issued in his name and he will not pay any commission for cash withdrawals.