How To Draw Up A Regulation On An Enterprise

How To Draw Up A Regulation On An Enterprise
How To Draw Up A Regulation On An Enterprise

Table of contents:


In addition to the articles of association, quality and economic policy, legislative documents, commercial and non-commercial enterprises act on the basis of the regulation. The regulation on the enterprise determines the status of the organization, the functions and tasks performed by it, the order of activities, etc. There are no established requirements for the content and design of the company's regulations. Therefore, the organization has the right to draw up a regulation on the enterprise on the basis of model provisions, reflecting its specifics in it.

How to draw up a regulation on an enterprise
How to draw up a regulation on an enterprise


Step 1

A prerequisite for drawing up a document is the presence in the upper right corner of the data on the approval of the position. Usually, this is the stamp "Approved", position, surname, initials, signature of the person of the parent organization and the date of approval. The stamp approving the position is certified by the seal of the same superior organization. The name of the document is considered to be the entire phrase that refers to the word "Regulation …" (For example, "Regulation on the enterprise", "Regulation on the structural unit").

Step 2

The very content of the company's regulation includes sections (parts), the names of which are not subject to specific requirements. Usually, generally accepted headings are used for the titles of sections of the enterprise regulation, such as: "General Provisions", "Main Tasks", "Functions", "Basic Rights and Responsibilities", "Organizational Structure", "Relationships", "Performance Assessment".

Step 3

Section "General Provisions" contains general information about the company, full and abbreviated name; to whom the enterprise is subordinate and who is headed, by whom it is appointed and by whom it is released, the sphere of competence of the manager. This section also lists the documents that the company is guided by. This may also include additional information on the organization's letterhead and seals.

Step 4

The "Main Tasks" and "Functions" interpret the global goals that the enterprise sets for itself and the tasks that need to be solved during the period of activity; lists all types of work (preparation, development, provision, participation, implementation, etc.) necessary to achieve the intended goals.

Step 5

The rights and obligations assigned to the enterprise through the manager are described in the section "Rights and obligations". It indicates what can be prohibited, controlled and what can be required from the team, what actions to take to implement the functions.

Step 6

The title of the section "Relationships" speaks for itself. This part formulates the interaction of the enterprise with outside organizations and internal structures (if any) in the process of production activities.

Step 7

In the position of the enterprise, it is possible to single out in a separate part, by whom and how the activities of the enterprise are monitored, the timing of inspections and the frequency of submission of reporting documents, etc. You can enter a section that specifies who has the authority to reorganize and liquidate an enterprise and describes how to carry out these steps.

Step 8

The regulations on the enterprise are signed by the head and agreed with the main managers of the enterprise (chief engineer, chief accountant, deputy for personnel and regime, etc.). Produced in one original copy, which is deposited in the office or management of the enterprise. Copies of this document are made if necessary.
