How To Draw Up A Regulation On The Organization

How To Draw Up A Regulation On The Organization
How To Draw Up A Regulation On The Organization

Table of contents:


Organization Regulations - a document on the basis of which the activities of state and municipal non-profit organizations are carried out, which perform their functions at the expense of the corresponding budgets. These include, first of all, the authorities and administrations. This document defines the status of the organization, the tasks and functions that it is called upon to perform, the order of activities, rights and responsibilities. The legal status of this document is defined in Article 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to draw up a regulation on the organization
How to draw up a regulation on the organization


Step 1

Determine what type of document you need to develop for your organization: typical, exemplary or individual. Typical and exemplary provisions are developed by subordinate organizations, departments, branches and representative offices that are the same in importance in the hierarchy of governing bodies and carry out the same types of activities. Individual Regulations on the organization are developed on the basis of typical and exemplary ones.

Step 2

Draw up the regulations on the organization on standard A4 sheets of paper, provide in the upper right margin of the first sheet a stamp of approval by the parent organization, it must subsequently be signed and certified with the appropriate seal. Write under it in the middle the name of the type of document, it should form one whole with the title to the text.

Step 3

The main text of the document should contain sections in which general provisions are given, the main tasks and functions are described, rights and obligations are stipulated. Set the rights in the volume that is necessary for the implementation of the functions that are assigned to this organization. This can be, for example, the right to conduct correspondence, carry out any activity, issue regulatory and administrative documentation, the right to request information and issue instructions.

Step 4

In the Regulation on the organization, describe how the organization is managed, its relationship with the authorities. Specify in a separate section the procedure for control, verification and revision of documents and measures for reorganization and liquidation.

Step 5

In order for the document to be legally binding, it must be approved by the higher management body. As a rule, the approval of the regulation on the organization is carried out by the administrative document of the superior organization. It can also be approved directly by the head of this body without a corresponding document.
