How To Choose A Credit Card With A Minimum Rate

How To Choose A Credit Card With A Minimum Rate
How To Choose A Credit Card With A Minimum Rate

Now more and more people use credit cards. This is actually very convenient. If you urgently need money, you do not need to borrow from friends, or take a loan from a bank and wait for approval or not. If you are just planning to take a credit card, you should consider all the factors and understand how beneficial this or that credit card is for you. And so that the credit card does not bring you unexpected troubles, before you issue it, carefully read the terms of the contract and pay attention to the following parameters.

Convenience of a credit card
Convenience of a credit card

Card maintenance cost

This amount ranges from 700 to 1500 rubles per year.

Duration of the grace period

This is the period when you do not need to pay interest for using bank accounts. This period is usually 50 to 65 days.

Loan interest rate

On average, it ranges from 20 to 30%.

The amount of commission for card transactions

It is very different for different transactions from different banks.

If you return money to the card during the grace period, no matter what interest will be set on it, you will not have to pay them. But if you are not sure that you can meet the grace period, then it is important to choose a card with a minimum rate. The minimum rate is usually set by banks for those who are their clients. So it is more profitable to apply for a credit card at a bank where you have an account or a salary card.

If you are not yet a client of any bank, you can reduce the credit card rate by submitting documents on your earnings and work experience to the bank.
