How To Choose A Credit Card In

How To Choose A Credit Card In
How To Choose A Credit Card In

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Today, every self-respecting bank offers credit cards and, as a rule, of several types. The assortment is huge! But at the same time, there are very specific selection criteria that you should be guided by in order to find a profitable credit card.

How to choose a credit card
How to choose a credit card


Step 1

Decide on the type of card. In addition to the interest for using the loan, you will also need to pay the card maintenance annually. Servicing cards of the Classic and Standart categories costs an average of 700-800 rubles, expensive cards of the Gold and Platinum categories cost from 3000 rubles a year and more. It makes sense to overpay for service if you need a credit card with a large amount of the limit, if you want to emphasize your high status, if you have a need for an extended range of services.

Step 2

Find out the final cost of the loan. Read the contract carefully. Additional commissions and payments can significantly increase your loan overpayments: payment for issuing a card, for maintaining a loan account, commission for obtaining a loan, insurance premiums - many banks masterly find a lot of reasons to pull an extra penny out of your wallet.

Step 3

Please note that there is a grace period during which no commission is charged for using funds. As a rule, it is 30-45 days. But here, too, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the conditions specified in the agreement: the grace period is counted not from the moment of the payment transaction, but from the beginning of the billing period.

Step 4

Select your currency. Will you use the card only in your country or do you need money for a trip abroad? VISA, MasterCard and American Express can be issued in different currencies. You can also use an international ruble card abroad, but in this case you will have to pay a conversion fee.

Step 5

Find out all about loan repayment. How can payments be made? Do you need to visit the bank directly or can you use the terminal, pay by mail or via the Internet? Ask for a minimum payment calculation. Check the amount of late fees and the timing of their collection.
