How To Make Money On The Exchange Of Electronic Currencies

How To Make Money On The Exchange Of Electronic Currencies
How To Make Money On The Exchange Of Electronic Currencies

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In recent years, electronic money has received considerable development and distribution. Currently, there are many ways to exchange and cash out various electronic currencies. And it is not surprising that in this regard, there are many ways to make money in this area. Profit can be obtained on commissions, rate differences or for cashing services.

How to make money on the exchange of electronic currencies
How to make money on the exchange of electronic currencies

It is necessary

  • - start-up capital in the form of electronic currency;
  • - own site.


Step 1

Set up your own exchange office, which can be either private or official. In this case, earnings will come from each operation of exchanging electronic currencies among themselves, and a certain percentage of the commission for services will act as profit. It is currently very difficult to get the status of a profitable official exchanger. Firstly, it is necessary to pay a certain amount for official registration, and secondly, there is quite serious competition in this market. Thousands of exchange offices are opened every year, and more than 90% of them soon disappear without finding their customers. A private exchange consists of a verbal agreement with the client. In this case, the commission is usually negligible or completely absent, and there are no guarantees of receipt of payment.

Step 2

Participate in the affiliate program of the official exchanger. If you are the owner of your own website, you can register in the affiliate program. Place a banner provided by the official exchanger on the website and get a certain percentage for each transaction made through you. This way of making money on the exchange of electronic currencies is beneficial for those whose site is sufficiently promoted and popular, otherwise you are unlikely to make a significant profit.

Step 3

Get into cash. Offer your services for the exchange of electronic money for rubles, hryvnia or dollars. In this case, you set a certain commission, and in the case of exchanging different currencies, you can define your own rate. You can also carry out the reverse procedure - replenish electronic accounts and receive real money for this. Such earnings, however, are fraught with problems with the tax authorities. If, in the case of electronic currencies, the legislation has not yet clearly established the rules for paying tax on such income, then it will be necessary to file a declaration and pay income tax on profit in the form of real money.
