Many people widely use a plastic card to travel abroad, pay for goods on the Internet and in stores, settlements for cellular services and housing and communal services. When issuing a plastic card, a person must determine in advance a convenient way to pay a debt.

Step 1
If you want to replenish your plastic card with cash, you need to find the nearest ATM for depositing cash in the servicing bank. To replenish your account, you need to enter the system using your pin code and card and select the "Cash deposit" operation. After writing the amount sufficient to pay the minimum payment, deposit the funds.
Step 2
The second way to replenish funds to the card is to visit a bank branch. To do this, you will need a passport and a contract number or plastic card number. The main disadvantage of this method is waiting for your number in the "live" queue. In this way, people can deposit funds who have a bank branch nearby and there is no way to look for an ATM.
Step 3
For people who have several active accounts in different banks, they can make a transfer from one account to a bank card account in the Internet banking system, if the service is provided by a financial institution and is connected to the client. Then, using your username and password, you need to enter the system on the main page, select the field "Transfers between accounts" in the menu and, having entered the required amount, sufficient to make the next payment, make a confirmation.
Step 4
There is a list of banks that do not have ATMs for depositing cash, and the branch network is not developed. Then the cardholder can use other methods to pay his debt. For example, through the kiwi system, which has more than 85 thousand terminals throughout Russia. In the main menu, you need to select "Banking services", then "Repayment of loans", confirm the mobile number that you indicated in the questionnaire, and deposit cash. As soon as you make a payment, you will instantly receive an SMS to your cell phone.