Plastic cards are much more convenient than wallets, but they can also run out of money. Therefore, you have to periodically replenish your account. If the card is a credit card, then it is necessary to deposit funds to it in order to make the next payments. You can put money on your card in several ways.

It is necessary
- - a plastic card,
- - passport.
Step 1
The easiest way is to use an ATM that is equipped with a cash-in function. Use ATMs that belong to the same network as your card, otherwise interest may be deducted from the amount. You need to insert the card into the reader, enter the pin code, then select the cash deposit operation. ATMs handle cash in different ways. Some accept a whole bundle at once, easily recognizing all the banknotes in it, while others need to "feed" the banknotes strictly one at a time. The acceptance rules will be described on the screen, so just follow the instructions from the ATM. If the device does not like the bill for something, then it will return it to you. Usually, crediting takes place almost instantly.
Step 2
Another option is to deposit money through an operator. To do this, you need to contact your bank branch. Take your passport and card with you (or write down the card number if it is not yours). Provide the operator with all the information he asks for. You will receive a check and a cash deposit agreement. Sign, if everything is in order, the funds will be credited soon.
Step 3
If you have several cards belonging to the same bank, you can make internal transfers via the Internet bank, if it is available to you under the terms of service. Log in to the system, select the transfer between your accounts from the menu (this item may have a slightly different name). Then enter the amount you want to transfer, select the account for the purpose of the payment. Confirm the operation. As a rule, in this case, the money comes instantly.
Step 4
Most banks allow transfers between their accounts through a call center. Call the operator at the number indicated on the card, then log in with the date of birth, code word and other information that the operator will ask. Tell the bank employee the purpose of your call. After that, he will help you transfer funds from one of his accounts to another.
Step 5
You can deposit funds by making a money transfer from another bank. You will need to find out the exact account number (this is not a card number, since several accounts can be linked to it), as well as the details of the bank itself. You can clarify this information at the branch, on the bank's website or in the Internet bank. Such a transfer is carried out both through the operator and through the Internet bank. This type of translation takes some time, from several hours to several days.