At first glance, a gift card seems like the perfect gift. However, in this case, mistakes are possible - the card may not be from the store that has the things you need. In this case, you can cash it out.

Step 1
It is very rare for shops to offer refunds on purchased gift cards and certificates. There is almost no chance of this, but it is worth trying. If unsuccessful, proceed to the next step.
Step 2
Find people who are interested in items sold at the store you have a gift card from. Pay attention to the specialization of the store and try to target its target group. This will help you save time later.
Step 3
Use every opportunity available to you to find people who belong to your defined target group. Submit free ads, tell your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Pay special attention to the methods that the Internet offers. Look for local social media communities where the majority of members may be from your target audience. For example, if you have a gift card from a baby food store in your hands, then you need to look for groups that are dedicated to babies and most of whose members are young mothers, and so on.
Step 4
Keep in mind that it is unlikely that you will be able to cash out the entire face value of the card. Offer a discount of about twenty to thirty percent. Make an appointment with the customer, preferably after they visit the store. Evaluate its adequacy so as not to be left with unnecessary goods on hand or, even worse, without goods, without a card and without money. Give the client the opportunity to choose a product, and only after that start negotiations about cashing the card - in this case, he will have more desire to complete a transaction, and you will be able to name a larger amount than if you immediately started talking about the price of the issue.
Step 5
Make a visit with the client. Pay for the product chosen by him with a gift card, after which, at the exit, you will receive the amount of money agreed in advance.