If Internet banking is connected to your current account, card or other banking product, you can find out your balance from anywhere in the world, if there was a computer with access to the global network. All you need to do is open the web page of this service and log in.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - keys for entering Internet banking;
- - mobile phone (not always).
Step 1
Often, for authorization in the system, a username and password are enough, most often entered using the virtual keyboard, which opens when you click on the corresponding field.
But an additional identifier may also be required: a variable code from a scratch card or other medium, for example, a check with one-time passwords printed in advance at an ATM, a one-time password sent by SMS to the phone number linked to the account, etc. It all depends on the security standards of a particular credit institutions.
Step 2
After successful authorization in the system, the order of your further actions depends on the specific bank. Often, on the very first page, you can see the available balance for all your accounts.
Otherwise, you need to go to the tab with information about your accounts, cards and other banking products (loans, deposits, etc.).
On this page, only account numbers can also be seen, and to obtain information about a specific product, you will need to click on its name, number or a link next to it.
Step 3
After receiving information about the status of the account you are interested in, you can continue to work in the system (for example, make a transfer between your accounts, to another client or to another bank, pay for services, etc.) or exit it.