Recently, it has been advertised and talked a lot about the countless sources of income on the World Wide Web. Of course, having decided to replenish your budget with virtual money, it is worth deciding on which type of earnings you will start or continue your existence on the Internet. There are a lot of free guides and instructions for beginners. As a platform for making money, we will consider your existing website or blog and the links posted on it.

Step 1
Do not waste your personal time looking for direct advertisers who are ready to buy links from your resource, just choose an exchange that is suitable for the terms of service and prices, such as Sape, Linkfeed, Mainlink, Trustlink, etc.
Step 2
Register in the system according to what you are going to do: buy or sell links.
Step 3
Indicate which country you are a citizen of. If you have Russian citizenship, a tax of 13% will be withheld from your income on the stock exchange, while such withholdings are not made from foreign citizens.
Step 4
Complete any other required fields in the user registration template. Activate your account.
Step 5
Sell links from the pages of your site at the lowest prices. In the case when you have a sufficiently weighty and pumped resource, you can set attractive prices not for the buyer, but for you. Although, no one guarantees a mass sale at unacceptably high prices.
Step 6
Use a sales option in which the most links are sold from the first page, while 1/3 fewer from internal ones. This will avoid a drop in the TIC and PR indicators of your resource.
Step 7
Prepare your site for verification by the exchange robot by installing the appropriate code on it, with the help of which the purchased links will be located on your resource.
Step 8
Take care of filling the site with high-quality content that will be interesting to visitors so that you do not have to spend money by artificially promoting the resource.