In Russia, a lot of people use Sberbank cards. However, not all of them know their personal account to which this card is assigned. One way or another, finding out your account numbers will not be difficult.

Step 1
First of all, when issuing a card at a bank office, an envelope is attached to it with a pin code. A 20-digit number can be found inside this envelope. This is the number of your personal account with Sberbank.
Step 2
If for some reason you threw away the envelope, remembered the pin code, but did not rewrite the account, you will have to appear in person at the bank branch where the plastic card was issued. Most importantly, do not forget your passport. Without it, you will not be given any information.
Step 3
There is one more way. When filling out an application for issuing a plastic card, you were asked to indicate a code word. So, this is what will come in handy. You can find out the account number by calling toll-free 8 800 555 555 0. Just remember that code word first. You will be asked to say it, after which all the necessary information will be dictated.
Step 4
Recently, a new electronic system “Sberbank Online” has appeared. The password and user ID can be obtained from any ATM. Next, enter these data on the bank's website. By choosing the "Cards" item in the menu, you can find not only a personal account, but also learn about the balance and operations with funds.