A document containing an assortment of goods is called an assortment list. It is filled out on a specific form in the executive institution and agreed with Rospotrebnadzor. The signed and certified assortment list must be kept permanently at the trade facility.

It is necessary
a form to fill out
Step 1
Determine the type of your trading establishment. First of all, the availability of an assortment list is mandatory for the following organizations: grocery stores, pharmacies, beauty salons, hairdressers, fitness centers, catering establishments (canteen, bar, restaurant, cafe) and other enterprises, if related products are sold on their territory …
Step 2
Indicate in the list of goods all types of products that you will sell in this retail facility. It is important to write as complete a list of goods as possible. If in the future you will receive a new product that is not reflected in your assortment list, you will definitely need to make the appropriate changes, which will lead to a delay in the sale of the product.
Step 3
Draw up an assortment list according to a specific sample. Indicate in the document the name of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the location of the trade facility, its area and working hours. Certify the list with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.
Step 4
The assortment list must always be kept at the place of sale and must be presented to the bodies authorized to exercise control during inspection. The goods that are included in the list must be present at the trading facility during the entire working day. It is considered an administrative violation and is considered as a violation of the rules for carrying out trading activities, non-compliance with the assortment list or its absence at a shopping facility.