How To Get Western Union Money

How To Get Western Union Money
How To Get Western Union Money

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Money may be needed very urgently. But what if the person who is ready to send them to you lives in another city or even in another country? In this case, the Western Union international transfer system will come to your aid. You can receive the translation at the branch nearest to you without much hassle.

How to get Western Union money
How to get Western Union money

It is necessary

  • • passport;
  • • data of the sender;
  • • number of translation.


Step 1

Inform the sender of the transfer your name and surname and the city in which you will receive payment. The transfer can be received at any branch of the city within 45 days from the date of its receipt, after the expiration of this period, to receive the transfer, you will have to contact the Western Union service center.

Step 2

Ask the sender of the transfer to provide you with their exact details (name and address), as well as the control number of the money transfer and the amount of the transfer in writing - via SMS or e-mail. It is important that the data are specified accurate to the sign, exactly as they are recorded in the system (i.e., in Latin letters - Western Union does not support the Cyrillic alphabet), so that when receiving a transfer you will not have problems due to discrepancies in the spelling of names own.

Step 3

Check for translation on the company's website. To do this, enter the data sent to you: the name, surname and patronymic of the sender (if the patronymic was specified), as well as the control number of the transfer, in the appropriate fields for the request. The translation status will be displayed on your computer monitor.

Step 4

Select a branch where it will be convenient for you to receive money (you can view information about branches right there on the company's website). When choosing, pay attention to the range of branch services. For example, Russian Post offices issue money transfers via the Western Union system only from non-CIS countries and only in rubles.

Step 5

Come to the branch of your choice with your passport or other document proving your identity. Fill out the form to receive a money transfer or inform the operator orally. Usually, in addition to the control number, it is required to indicate the last name and first name (patronymic) of the sender, his address (city and country), and the amount of the transfer. All data must be entered exactly as they were indicated in the Western Union system by the sender. Also inform the operator in what currency you intend to receive the transfer (if you have a choice). In Russia, receiving transfers in most branches of the company is possible in rubles and US dollars.

Step 6

Wait while the branch employee checks your documents and transfer details. Sign the receipt and other required documents. Receive and count the money received.
