How Will The Tariffs For Housing And Communal Services Change In

How Will The Tariffs For Housing And Communal Services Change In
How Will The Tariffs For Housing And Communal Services Change In

Payment for housing and communal services is a significant item in the family budget for many families, so tariffs for the current year are always a topical issue for Russians. The New Year is traditionally marked by an increase in tariffs for the services of natural monopolies - supplies of gas, water, heating, and electricity.

How will the tariffs for housing and communal services change in 2015
How will the tariffs for housing and communal services change in 2015

An increase in utility tariffs should be expected not in January, but in July 2015. Until then, the population will pay according to the 2014 tariffs.

The growth was driven by an increase in the cost of electricity, gas and water. Also, the receipt for payment will "grow heavier" due to the inclusion of a new column - payments for major repairs (approximately 6 rubles per sq. M. Area). But this will be relevant only in those regions where they are still not levied.

It is comforting that, according to the Government's assurances, the increase in the cost of housing and communal services should not exceed the inflation rate and cannot exceed 22% of the total family income. It is expected that on average in Russia, housing and communal services will become more expensive by 6-10%. However, the individual components of the receipt will add more value to the price.

According to data published by the Federal Tariff Service, water prices in 2015 will increase by an average of 10.5%. Although back in 2014, the issue of freezing them for the next five years was discussed.

Electricity in 2015 will become more expensive by 8, 2-8, 4%.

Heat will also rise in price - by 8.5%. Hot water prices will also rise proportionally as they depend on the dynamics of the cost of cold water and heating.

The cost of gas for the population will also increase by 5.8%. Although the Ministry of Economic Development published a forecast for the growth of gas prices for 2015 for the population in the amount of 10-15%. Therefore, the increase may be more significant.

It is also planned to introduce less favorable tariffs for those citizens who have not installed electricity and water meters.

A positive point is the fact that in the near future (roughly - from 2016) the line of expenses for general household needs (ODN) should disappear from the payment documents. Those. residents will pay only for the actually consumed services, and not for the energy losses of a neighbor.
