What Can You Spend Maternity Capital On In 2018: New Changes

What Can You Spend Maternity Capital On In 2018: New Changes
What Can You Spend Maternity Capital On In 2018: New Changes

Maternity capital, which can be formalized at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child in a family, is one of the forms of solving the demographic problem in our country. What can you spend maternity capital on in 2018?

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2018: new changes
What can you spend maternity capital on in 2018: new changes

Maternity capital began to be issued in 2007. During this time, its amount has almost doubled and today is 453,026 rubles. True, it has not been indexed for the last couple of years. But at the end of 2017, the program for receiving this payment was extended until the end of 2021. Therefore, this type of state support for young families will operate for several more years.

Since 2018, there have been significant changes in the maternity capital law. Until that moment, it could be spent on improving the living conditions of the family (buying or renovating housing), getting education for children, transferring these funds to the funded part of the mother's pension or purchasing various goods and paying for services for disabled children. This list now includes additional items related to improving the standard of living of the family.

What else can you spend maternity capital on

1. For the child's preschool education

And there is no need to wait until the second child is three years old. This clause comes into force two months after receiving the certificate. Thanks to this, parents can pay for kindergarten, as well as pay for childcare services. But at the same time, the organization that will carry out this action must have an appropriate license.

2. Obtaining a preferential mortgage for families with two and three children

In addition to concessional lending, such families can immediately repay part of the mortgage with the parent capital. Moreover, this also applies to housing loans issued earlier than 2018. As for the preferential mortgage, its annual rate is only 6%.

3. Receipt of monthly payments by low-income families

This is a form of support for middle-income families. It can be issued by families who have less than 1.5 living wages per person per month. A prerequisite is the birth of a second child after January 1, 2018. Such payment is provided until the child reaches one and a half years. But it can be issued only six months after birth. But for all previous months, a recalculation will be made, and the money will go to the parents' account in full for the entire time. This payment depends on the subsistence level in a particular region.

Of course, new items in the spending of maternity capital increase the chances of almost all families, without exception, getting it in full.
