How To Get A Loan In Rostov-on-Don

How To Get A Loan In Rostov-on-Don
How To Get A Loan In Rostov-on-Don

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Many banks are still experiencing the consequences of the global financial crisis, therefore, the requirements for potential borrowers have become more complicated and interest rates have increased. In this regard, it is necessary to assess not only your capabilities, but also the offers on the credit market in order to determine the best option.

How to get a loan in Rostov-on-Don
How to get a loan in Rostov-on-Don


Step 1

Assess your ability to pay objectively. Currently, the need for money is not enough for obtaining a loan. Remember that you will receive and spend the borrowed funds, and you will have to pay off for several more years. Consider this factor and determine if you can pay your monthly payments on time and maintain a good relationship with the bank. Otherwise, you can ruin your credit history or lose collateral.

Step 2

Make a list of credit institutions in Rostov-on-Don. To do this, you can recall the nearest branches from memory or use the Internet. For example, the website contains a complete list of the city's banks with information on the offered credit programs. Compare loan conditions and write down a list of documents that are required to apply for a loan.

Step 3

Get a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL at your place of work. If you have additional sources of profit, for example, dividends, then also collect documents that confirm them. The presence of confirmation of your solvency will improve the bank's attitude towards you and increase the chance of obtaining credit funds.

Step 4

Apply for a loan for a salary card if your employer pays salaries through a bank. In this case, you do not need to collect various documents, but just contact the branch of the credit institution with a passport and fill out an application. Banks are loyal to such customers and provide credit incentives.

Step 5

Consult an employee of the bank of Rostov-on-Don on lending issues. Write an application and wait for a decision on granting you a loan. If you get a refusal, then clarify the reasons for this decision. Consider them when applying to another bank. Before signing a loan agreement, you should carefully study it, paying attention to the commission, penalties and conditions of early repayment.
