To stand out from the competition, you will have to work on the choice of the name, because there are many dental offices and clinics. Among them there are identical, and therefore memorable names.

Step 1
Write down phrases that describe people's fears and doubts. Some people are afraid to go to the dentist because they are convinced that something is painful. Reflecting the hope of a different outcome in the title can arouse curiosity among potential customers and, at the very least, fix the idea in memory. Some suitable words: pain, hole, drill, nerve, shame, etc. The more words there are, the easier it is to find ideas for a title.
Step 2
Redesign the options in their opposites or positive words that are appropriate for the meaning, characterizing the benefits of the procedure. This is how you get ideas: pain - anti-pain, hole - integrity, drill - beauty, etc. For each word, you can choose several options.
Step 3
Improve the resulting phrases and reduce their number to ten. This is possible through discarding unnecessary, adding something, etc. To the word anti-pain, which is good in and of itself, improvement may look like “pain removal” or “relief”. If there are many options, there is no point in working further with all of them, so leave a dozen of the most unusual ones that can be remembered.
Step 4
In front of every possible name, write how people can shorten the phrase in conversations or SMS. This is important, because the clients will remake a good name in their own way and will inform their friends. The word “deliverance” can be altered to “delivered” and perfectly understand what is at stake. Perhaps some acronym will be liked right away and will become a good name for the clinic.
Step 5
Check if the name matches the domain name and if it is not taken. If everything is in order, it will be ideal, because people perceive it well - when there is harmony in everything, joy, reassurance and trust appear, which is especially important for medical services.