The settlement period is determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the payment of sick leave, maternity leave, regular or additional leave. To calculate the amount of payments, you should determine the average daily wage for the billing period.

It is necessary
calculator or computer program 1C
Step 1
The estimated period for the payment of sick leave, maternity benefits, benefits for caring for a child up to one and a half years, is considered 24 months worked before the onset of temporary disability. If a woman was on maternity leave and immediately goes on another maternity leave, then the calculation period is the time worked before the first maternity leave. In all cases, add up all the amounts earned in the 24 months withholding income tax to pay for social benefits. Divide the resulting figure by the number of calendar days in the billing period.
Step 2
To determine the payments for the next vacation, add up all the amounts earned for the 12 months that preceded the vacation and from which income tax was withheld. Divide the resulting amount by 12 and 29, 6. Multiply the original result by the number of vacation days, subtract 13%. The number obtained by the calculation will be the payment for the vacation. If an employee has worked less than 12 months, then the calculation period will be the actual hours worked, divided by the actually worked months and by 29, 6. A month worked less than 15 days is not paid; more than 15 days - full payment.
Step 3
To calculate the worked period to determine the percentage of average earnings payable for sick leave, calculate the total length of service for all entries in the work book. To do this, subtract the date of admission from the date of dismissal from each enterprise. Add all numbers, round up to full years, months and days. With more than 8 years of experience, pay 100% of the average earnings, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, less than 5 years - 60%.
Step 4
To calculate the number of days of additional leave that is granted to employees working in hazardous, stressful or harmful conditions, subtract the date of admission or transfer to these jobs from the calculation date. Round the figure to full years, multiply by 1. The resulting number will be equal to the number of additional vacation days.