The Unified Social Contribution (ERU) is a consolidated tax paid by Ukrainian enterprises and entrepreneurs using hired labor. Its regulatory framework was the law of Ukraine "On the collection and accounting of a single social contribution for compulsory state social insurance", introduced in January 2011. The law made it possible to significantly simplify the accounting and accrual of deductions from the wage fund and other incomes of individuals.

Step 1
The amount of ERUs for enterprises is in direct proportion to which class of professional risk the given production belongs to. This parameter is determined by the type of the main economic activity of the company by the Social Accident Insurance Fund. The main methodological document establishing the procedure for calculating ERUs is Instruction No. 21-5 "On the procedure for calculating and paying a single contribution for compulsory state social insurance", approved by the Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
Step 2
The taxable base for calculating ERUs is the amount of accrued earnings by types of payments, including basic and additional wages, other incentive and compensation payments, including those received in kind. In general, the size of payments for entrepreneurs is 34%. Taking into account the assigned occupational risk class of production, the unified social contribution should be calculated at an increased rate, which equals from 36.76 to 49.7%.
Step 3
The minimum and maximum insurance premiums are set quarterly within the current financial year. For entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system, the monthly amount of payments on ERUs is equal to the minimum amount of the insurance premium, regardless of what their net income is for the current month.
Step 4
Regardless of the taxation system used for able-bodied persons, the maximum amount of income, which is the basis for calculation, is 17 times the officially approved subsistence minimum. ERUs are accrued in any case - the amounts determined by the base for taxation were actually paid or not.
Step 5
A single social contribution should be charged for the amount of vacation or sick leave, the period of which exceeds 1 month, should be separately for each calendar month. In the event that errors were identified in the calculation of the taxable base and the calculation of salaries is carried out for the previous period, this amount should be included in the salary of the month in which these charges were actually made.