To start your own business, you need to create your own company or obtain a certificate of a private entrepreneur. If you do not have business partners and your business activities are permitted by law, register.

Step 1
Write an application for state registration of individual entrepreneurship in the prescribed form. You can take the application form at the Tax Inspectorate of your city or download it from the Internet. There are also special firms that prepare documents for the registration of entrepreneurs or enterprises. Usually, one of them can be found next to the Tax Office. Sign the application, certify the signature with a notary.
Step 2
Make a copy of your passport. If you will be applying in person, a simple copy will suffice. If you send documents by mail or act through an authorized person, you will need to notarize a copy.
Step 3
Pay the state registration fee. You can find the payment details and print the payment document on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. Save your receipt of payment.
Step 4
Submit your application, passport and receipt to the Tax Office at your place of permanent registration. If you submit documents in person or through a proxy, you will be given a receipt for the papers and the day of issue of documents confirming the registration will be appointed. The registration procedure takes no more than 5 working days.
Step 5
Show up to the Tax Inspectorate on a strictly appointed day and you will either be rejected on a reasoned basis, or you will be given a package of documents confirming your registration: a certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate (or notification) on the assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN), an extract from EGRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs). If you (your authorized representative) do not appear in person, the documents will be sent by mail to your home address.
Step 6
Keep your original registration documents with care. If necessary, you can provide plain or notarized copies.