Information has ceased to be the lot of the elite. Everyone who has access to the Internet can find information about any product or service that is needed here and now. But how to make the consumer interested in your offer?

Step 1
Create a website where you post all the necessary information about the services you provide. Be sure to order or write the articles themselves on a particular service and post them on the site. It is important that your resource contains the most recent and complete information, so update it daily.
Step 2
Please note that the consumer is interested not only in the cost of the service, but also in how it will be provided. Therefore, you must convince him (using the same articles, instructions, videos, etc.) that it is your methods of service delivery that are most effective.
Step 3
You can also create a regular selling website that advertises a specific type of service. You should maximally interest and even intrigue the page visitor with your proposal. Therefore, when creating such a site, abandon the already boring templates and compose the text taking into account the psychology of the Russian audience, since many foreign technologies simply do not work in our country.
Step 4
If you want to act as an Internet intermediary, you will need to constantly update the databases. The easiest way is to make a solid sample from local media and telephone directories, call all entrepreneurs providing a certain type of service (for example, construction and repair) and find out more detailed information about their location, experience, principles of customer service, cost of work, etc.
Step 5
Obtain the consent of the entrepreneurs for the information about them to be entered into your database, and subsequently - conclude agreements with them that you will look for customers for their services. And then - and with consumers about providing them with services of access to databases of performers.
Step 6
This can be a legally formalized agreement, or the usual registration of customers and performers on your site, which opens access to databases. As a result, you will receive money both for placing an order and for information services, since during registration you can make one of its conditions the conclusion of an offer agreement, specifying in it the cost of your mediation.
Step 7
In order for your site to be popular, you need to correctly "promote" it. Contact SEO specialists, as this way you will save time and recoup your preparatory work costs in the shortest possible time.