How To Cash Out A Card

How To Cash Out A Card
How To Cash Out A Card

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You can withdraw cash from a plastic card at an ATM of your own or a third-party bank or at a cash point (cash desk) of the credit institution that issued the card. It is most profitable to withdraw money from an ATM of the same bank that serves the card. When using other methods, a commission is usually debited from the card.

How to cash out a card
How to cash out a card

It is necessary

  • - bank card;
  • - ATM;
  • - Pin;
  • - when withdrawing money at the bank's cash desk - a passport.


Step 1

You can withdraw cash from a bank card at any ATM, wherever it is. However, it is most profitable to do this using the device of the same bank that issued your card.

Most credit institutions do not charge commissions in this case. Usually, if the ATM still implies a commission for the services provided, then its size is minimal.

When using an ATM owned by another credit institution, the commission is usually a small percentage of the amount withdrawn, but not less than a certain limit. For example, 100 p. or $ 3. In addition to this, the bank can also write off its commission, using the device of which the money was withdrawn.

Step 2

Go to the ATM, insert your card into it, enter your PIN. From the options offered on the screen, select “cash withdrawal” (or another option with the same meaning).

Then enter the amount. If there are no bills of suitable value in the ATM or there is not enough money on the card, you will be prompted to enter a different number.

Usually the ATM first returns the card and then dispenses cash. But it happens that after the money is issued, he offers to carry out the next operation. If you do not need to work with him further, choose a negative answer and take the card.

Step 3

You can also withdraw money from the card at the cash desk in any branch of your bank.

To do this, give the cashier your passport and card, name the amount you would like to withdraw. Most likely, you will be asked to enter a PIN code on a special keyboard located on your side of the cash register window.

Check and sign the papers suggested by the cashier. Take the money from him along with the receipt.
