Determination of the customs value of goods is a key point for calculating customs duties and other payments in the implementation of foreign trade activities. The methods for its determination are strictly regulated by the customs code of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary
- - product specifications
- - documentation on a foreign trade transaction
- - calculation of transport costs
Step 1
Provide the customs broker with a package of documents on the ongoing foreign trade transaction. It is better to do this even before signing the contract in order to have an idea of the upcoming payments and duties. The package must include:
* contract with specification
* contract with a transport company and invoice for delivery services
* invoice (or proforma invoice)
* technical description of goods.
Based on these documents, the broker will determine the TN VED code for the goods imported or exported by you, and also determine the customs value of the goods, which serves as the basis for calculating the duty.
Step 2
There are six main methods for determining customs value.
1. At the price of a transaction with imported goods
2. At the price of a transaction with identical goods
3. At the price of a transaction with similar (homogeneous) goods
4. Cost deduction method
5. Method of adding cost
6. Fallback method
The most desirable and priority for the foreign trade participant is the first method. If your documents contain errors, or they are not enough to determine the base, the inspector will apply methods 2 through 6, which inevitably entails cost adjustments and significant penalties. Check your submissions carefully. Try to insist that the cost of your product is calculated using the first method, correcting possible errors and providing additional documents.
Step 3
To avoid customs value adjustments, please provide as much accurate information as possible to support your expenses, both actually incurred and planned. Ask the transport company for a list of tariffs for transportation, insurance, escort of your cargo - all these figures will reflect the structure of your expenses. Don't forget about packaging costs and packaging costs. If you are unable to provide the required documents, the customs authority can independently determine the customs value of the goods. But in this case, its value is unlikely to be calculated in your favor.