How To Connect Internet Bank

How To Connect Internet Bank
How To Connect Internet Bank

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The Internet bank opens up wide opportunities for users. Firstly, it is reliable management of your funds from almost any place where you can connect to the Internet. Secondly, round-the-clock access to your funds and significant savings in time and money. Online banking is the cheapest way to manage your finances.

How to connect internet bank
How to connect internet bank


Step 1

First you need to choose the bank in which you are going to open an account. After that, by contacting the bank of your choice, you register the opening of an account and, at the same time, connect to the Internet bank. This procedure is an elementary receipt in a sealed envelope of the user number, primary password and code card (or calculator).

Step 2

Opening the web page of the selected Internet bank on the Internet, you must enter the user number received from the bank, then the primary password, and the requested one of the codes from the code card. The primary password can be changed immediately after logging in to a more acceptable and easy to remember one. This can be done following the requirements of the Internet Bank (number of characters, capital or uppercase letters, Latin or Cyrillic, the presence or absence of digits in the password). However, all banks have their own requirements for a secure login.

So, using the Internet bank, you can make local and international payments in different currencies, convert currencies, keep track of receipts and expenditures of funds on the account, open deposits, buy and sell securities, and make purchases via the Internet.

Step 3

When making any payment, the Internet Bank each time for security purposes asks for one of the codes from a code card or calculator. After completing all operations in Internet Banking, you must definitely finish your work by closing the browser window. This is for added account security.
