How To Save On Communication

How To Save On Communication
How To Save On Communication

Table of contents:


Every year, the cost of mobile communications in Russia is growing. In most cases, high costs are associated with inattention of subscribers and ignorance of elementary ways to save on communication services.

How to save on communication
How to save on communication


Step 1

Choose the tariff plan that suits you best. If you have signed a contract a long time ago, then, most likely, the operator has acquired many more favorable tariffs during this time, check them out on the website or in the communication salon. As a rule, the transition to a new tariff plan does not take much time and is not that expensive.

Step 2

Participate in various operator marketing campaigns. In order to stay up-to-date, subscribe to your provider's promotional messages.

Step 3

Use the funds on your mobile account exclusively to pay for communication services. As a rule, payments for services that can be paid for from the phone for cash are cheaper.

Step 4

Try to immediately tell the subscriber everything you wanted, and not call back every time, remembering something else.

Step 5

Try to reduce your monthly telecom budget. Deposit the entire amount to the account at once. Very quickly burning funds, which you will pay attention to when checking the balance, will remind you of saving every time.

Step 6

Connect your favorite numbers by choosing the subscribers you call most often. You can also use the operator's package services for sms, calls, Internet.

Step 7

Don't buy mobile content. Learn to download applications, videos, music over the Internet using a computer.

Step 8

Try to use sms less. Send a message only when you are sure that one will be enough.

Step 9

Do not call while intoxicated, otherwise you risk spending your entire communication budget for a month. It is better to ask a friend or girlfriend to move the phone away from you.

Step 10

Call only when needed, not when you have nothing to do. Better at such moments to play a game, listen to music or climb in the phone's settings.

Step 11

Use a variety of communication apps. Icq, Skype will help you to significantly save on calls and sms.

Step 12

Call from your home phone to landline numbers.
