Freshwater crayfish is a crustacean found naturally in streams, in slow-flowing river channels and lakes, in river deltas and in wetlands around the world.

Crayfish are considered a delicacy and are added to many dishes. There are about 300 species of freshwater crayfish. The most hardy and fleshy blue crayfish are considered.
How crayfish are bred
For breeding crayfish, a special farm is created, which is a pond. Since natural ponds suitable for breeding crayfish are rare, they are often dug artificially. Crayfish do not like direct sunlight and prefer stones and plants in the pond.
For commercial cultivation of crayfish, a 1000 - 1200 m2 pond is usually dug with sloping banks to make it easier to catch crayfish. The size of the pond will vary depending on how many crayfish you are going to breed.
A 75 liter aquarium can be used instead of a pond. Many farms have several aquariums and ponds at the same time, which allows for a constant flow of growing crayfish.
5-15 animals are housed per square meter. For those who are just starting to grow crayfish, it is enough to purchase 12 pregnant female crayfish and put them into the pond. The total maturation time of crayfish is 6-9 months. To this must be added 3-4 months, when small crayfish grow in a separate pond or pool.
Pond water and brood need good care. It is very important to control the quality of the water. The level of acidity, the amount of ammonia, and the hardness of the water should be monitored. The better the water in the pond, the better the result you will get.
It is important for crayfish to provide an opportunity to hide. Like all crustaceans, crayfish shed their shells as they grow. This makes them vulnerable to attacks from their own kind. Onion skins, a tray with honeycomb propylene sections, and pipe trimmings can serve as a shelter for crayfish.
You need to feed the crayfish before the onset of evening twilight, three times a week with a mixture of various types of grain or bread rolls.
An air supply system should be installed in the pond.
To create optimal conditions for breeding crayfish, the pond should be emptied and dried once a year.
It is necessary to select crayfish for offspring in the spring. In June-August, the water in the reservoir should be drained so that the crayfish can burrow into the mud at the bottom and reproduce. In September, you can refill the pond and start catching crayfish.
Catching crayfish
Crayfish are caught when they have reached a certain size. Typically, mature cancers weigh between 35 and 100 grams.
Crayfish farmers use different techniques to catch them. The most effective is streaming fishing. A stream of water is directed into the pond along an inclined plane. Crayfish respond to the flow by climbing an incline into a basket.
After catching crayfish, a certain number of individuals are selected as a reserve, and the rest of the crayfish are sold.