How To Create A Wedding Salon

How To Create A Wedding Salon
How To Create A Wedding Salon

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Having your own wedding salon can be very profitable if the business is properly organized from the outset. There are no trifles in this business. The location of the store, the breadth of its assortment, competitive prices and attentive staff will make your salon visited and popular.

How to create a wedding salon
How to create a wedding salon

It is necessary

  • - the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • - suitable premises;
  • - signboard;
  • - trade software;
  • - a wide range of goods;
  • - staff;
  • - advertising printed materials.


Step 1

Start with a detailed business plan. Take the time to meticulously present all your ideas. Think over the range of future services, pricing policy, calculate the amount of initial investment. Take your time with the implementation of the plan - you may need to make adjustments to it. Be sure to visit the salons of competitors and take into account all the mistakes and miscalculations of their creators.

Step 2

Come up with a name for your salon. Avoid clichés, hard-to-translate names in foreign languages. Humor is also inappropriate - weddings are usually taken seriously. A capacious, memorable and beautiful-sounding name is what your salon needs.

Step 3

Search for a suitable room. A wedding salon can be opened in a shopping center or you can create a small street-format store with a separate entrance and an eye-catching sign. Avoid heading into the city center and busy highways. Wedding dresses and paraphernalia are not impulsive goods. If you organize your advertising and bonus system correctly, future clients will find you on the periphery, in the depths of the sleeping area.

Step 4

Arrange a small parking near the salon - future customers arriving in their own cars will appreciate it. Decorate the entrance space - break up flower beds, lay a roll lawn, set up a mini fountain or sculpture.

Step 5

Renovate the premises. Its design depends on the concept of the salon. Try vintage style, boudoir aesthetics, or ultra-modern minimalism. Equip comfortable fitting rooms - they should be spacious enough and equipped with full-length mirrors. Hang dresses on brackets along the walls, and put accessories and other little things on open shelves and in glass windows.

Step 6

Take care of the assortment. It is desirable that your salon has a certain “zest” that distinguishes it favorably from competitors. For example, you can offer ordering dresses from catalogs, outfits from famous wedding designers, sets of accessories designed in the same style. Together with the bride's dresses, you can buy a collection of evening dresses for bridesmaids, mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Agree with suppliers on partial deliveries for implementation - on this you can save working capital.

Step 7

Hire staff. To work in the salon, two saleswomen per shift are enough. Most often, girls work in wedding salons. But sometimes future brides feel more comfortable with older women. A lady of elegant age can be an excellent experienced saleswoman - be sure to consider such candidates if possible.

Step 8

Consider advertising promotion and a bonus program. Your task is to notify as many potential newlyweds as possible. Participate in specialized exhibitions of wedding services, hand out business cards of the salon. Print information booklets and distribute them to universities.

Step 9

Don't forget about the possibilities of the internet. Create your own website with beautiful professional photos, participate in discussions on thematic forums, act as an expert in a local women's magazine. All these activities will significantly increase the recognition of your salon and make it stand out from the line of competitors.
