The wedding business is complex, but quite profitable. The specificity of the services offered does not make it possible to form a circle of regular customers. However, store owners can expand their product range and significantly increase sales. Approach the promotion of your salon creatively - and success will not be long in coming.

Step 1
Offer an original assortment. Choose wedding dresses that are in demand, but not available in other salons. Today, many brides are interested in unusual outfits that emphasize their individuality. Expand your choices with trendy cuts, such as Empire dresses or dramatic, form-fitting toilets with a train.
Step 2
Take care of future mother-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as bridesmaids. Choose evening dresses that match the style of your wedding. If the space and possibilities of the salon allow, you can think about men's suits for grooms. Consider a rental system, as well as the possibility of buying and selling used dresses. Such a service will not only increase profits, but also become an excellent informational reason for advertising.
Step 3
Think over a system of small bonuses for guests. Attach gifts to large purchases - small bouquets, wedding garters, a bottle of champagne. Set up a small corner for relaxation and conversation. Offer visitors coffee or tea, and let them take pictures of selected dresses. Don't be afraid of competition and the fact that someone might copy your ideas. By suspecting everyone who comes in, you rob yourself of customer confidence.
Step 4
Don't get carried away by discounts. They bring losses, moreover, customers will be suspicious of a too cheap product, expecting a hidden catch in such an offer. Focus on reasonable prices, comprehensive offer and excellent service.
Step 5
Get wedding designers involved. They can put together ready-made kits for today's popular themed weddings. For example, for a celebration in antique style, a newlywed can provide not only suitable outfits for the main participants of the holiday, but also decorations for the car and table, wedding arches, boutonnieres, gift bottles and other paraphernalia. Most of the assortment can be offered for rent.
Step 6
List famous wedding photographers, holiday agencies, and hosts. Offer them mutually beneficial cooperation - a small percentage of customers' purchases that came from their recommendation.
Step 7
Cooperation with hotels can be very interesting. Wedding dinners are a serious source of income for them. Consider a joint action - for example, a bride who has bought the most expensive dress or the full range of services offered by the salon receives a certificate for a romantic weekend in one of the hotel rooms.
Step 8
Get serious about advertising and promotion. Do not limit yourself to the standard offers of advertising agents - they are expensive and ineffective. Look for original ways. Communicate actively on thematic forums, register in blogs and wedding sites. Don't do direct advertising. Just tell us in detail about the salon, goods, bonuses and gifts at every opportunity. Be open, welcoming, and responsive to criticism.