How To Create A Landing Page

How To Create A Landing Page
How To Create A Landing Page

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The landing page is the landing page that website users click on to land on. Landing pages play a significant role in running a business and are created to increase the customer base by converting site visitors to service customers, product buyers, etc.

landing page
landing page

It is necessary

The landing page looks like a small one-page site. When creating it, you must observe the following rules


Step 1

Landing page design should be interesting and eye-catching. It should load quickly even with a weak internet connection, so you shouldn't overload it with graphics.

Step 2

The information on the landing page should be very clear. There are three main components: a proposal, a time limit, and a call to action.

When forming your proposal, pay attention to the headings. They should be colorful and informative. It is the correct heading that "hooks" the user and makes him stay on the page. You can place on the page an image of the proposed product, user reviews.

Step 3

The feeling of scarcity, time constraints, urgency - forces users to buy a product or place an order right now. To do this, you can inform that the period of special discounts is coming to an end, set on the page a counter for the number of remaining goods, a time timer.

Step 4

When calling to make a purchase, place an order, keep in mind that the user should not think about the sequence of actions. Order buttons should contrast with the main background and be eye-catching. Forms for ordering and purchasing goods should be simple and convenient.
